Monday, October 15, 2007

two purple popsicles

tonight when i got there

things were looking up

she had just finished eating two popsicles

and over in the corner was her dialysis machine

it was turned OFF

she's doing good

still so weak but seems that for right now

it's all systems go

good news from bed #3

her nurse told me that her blood pressure is stabilized

and her heart rate is good or at least understandable

so the doctors have decided to take her OFF the 24 hour dialysis

and just go to every other day for 4 hours at a time, great!

another day and another machine gone

she still is so frail and weak

while i was there a therapist came in and moved her

arms and legs around to keep 'em strong and flexible

she responded well, the therapist seemed happy

she's resting today, or trying to

they come in every few minutes to do something to her

-she's in good hands in more ways than we can know

this was posted by Anonymous (you can post too :)

I would have despiared unless I had believed that I would

see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living

Wait for the Lord, Be strong and let your heart take courage

Yes, wait for the Lord

Hal and Lulu

sick people at the hospital shouldn't be the nurses

yes, it seems that maybe her nurse gave her something

she's got a fever and her white blood count is high

they don't know what it is

but they're treating her with some antibiotics

her blood pressure is still too high and her heart rate

is between 99 and 109. too high

she went to sleep while i was there

and she didn't tell me to leave

but this morning she's too sick to say or do anyhing

her mom came in to take care of her

she's really upset and has had acacia's main doctor in boston

start to get ON these doctors and nurses here in pittsburgh

she's on continuous dialysis and i think that's what's

happening with her blood pressure and heart rate

ya know, dialysis beats the heck outta you

let's just hope that her infection is nothing (or treated)

and that her kidneys heal and start working right again