Monday, October 22, 2007

major step

well we got by (to me) a major step

today she had her first lung biopsy

doesn't that just sound scary

but she did fine, (results in a couple days)

afterwards she texted me again

and again it's about her red sox

after a little baseball banter, i asked how she's doing

she replied "I'm tired and any activiities kill me"

there you go -an update directly from her

she's so cute

and so strong and brave, just a brave little kid

(i mean young lady)

a little stand-up

yes, she's happy

and i'm happy too

the nurses said this morning she's doing real good

she knows the red sox won and

she STOOD UP to get in a chair next to her bed


still has a low grade fever, but they're not worried about that

(not so much)

today they are taking her for a 'bronc'

-that's where they stick a long tube down her trach tube and

clean her lungs out

also they are going to do a biopsy of her lungs!!!

'the removal for diagnostic study of a piece of tissue from a living body'

they said that this is normal -about two weeks after a transplant

they go in a get some and test it and see if her body

is rejecting her new lungs

to me this is BIG, the nurse said

'it only takes a little while and have no worries'


keep saying your prayers