Tuesday, November 27, 2007

more and more good news


it seems they are going to wait to

take her off the bipap at night

but today, they put in the smallest trach tube

that they could find and

she doesn't have the oxygen hooked-up to her tube anymore

she's breathing on her own!!

-with her new lungs and doing great!

today, we did a lot of texting and instant messaging

and we know now how to send pictures back and forth

-her hair is so long and beautiful -a sight for sore eyes

she's feeling good, looking good, eating good (massive amounts) and

breathing on her own!

another one bites the dust

we texted each other this morning

she told me that today they will be replacing

her 'trach tube' with a smaller one

(the smallest they got!)

and that maybe, just maybe

they will get rid of the BIPAP machine

that's the machine that 'helps' her breathe at night

she (probably) no longer needs it!!

and yet another machine is gone

thank you lord and thank you all too!