Friday, January 18, 2008

back 'home'

well, they're back at the hotel

the doctors don't know why she's had the

flash edema attacks

but she's comfortable and out of 'there'

the doctors have increased her meds

-to really try to get her blood pressure down

i called her this afternoon and she was resting

and told me she felt sick

god love her, it's so tough

but they're back at hotel and now it's

back and forth to the hospital

for appointments and tests

they told us at the beginning

-it's a roller coaster ride

lots of ups and downs

sounds good: looks good

she had yet another bronchoscopy yesterday

all seemed to go well

she called and said she felt fine

they still don't know what's the problem

-or if there is a problem

but she's using her new lungs

and they're working just fine

the doctors say she can go back to the hotel today

-we'll see

she still needs to gain some weight

i wish she was here with me

so i could feed her my milkshakes

in the meantime things are looking good

praise god