Thursday, November 1, 2007

post op update

she did good

and seems to be improving

i know that as soon as they take off

some water weight, that she does better

the nurse said she's drying out fine

and that's so important for her

back on the full-time dialysis machine,

they've taken off 3 liters since her surgery

and the nurse said her 'numbers' are lookin' good

her heart, blood pressure and all that stuff are ok

just gotta fix those new lungs of hers

-they do work better than the old ones however

they have her sedated and she's resting 'comfortably'

tomorrow, (or the next day) they should know what's going on

infection or rejection or whatever

but for tonight, god love her, she's done more

than any of us could do

she's always been special (not short bus special)

and she's continues to show us more

and her heavenly father shows how much he loves her

another surgery: completed

just got off the phone with her nurse

she's back in her room after

'open chest' lung surgey

'she did great' and she's in with her mom

the nurse said that she's been coming out

of the anaesthesia and that she's not in any

pain or discomfort, they asked and she nodded 'no'


they are taking the tissue to be evaluated

and they should know a lot more tomorrow

in the meantime, praise the lord...

-yet another major surgery complete and safe

they are gonna re-hook her to her machines

and, god willing she can rest today and tonight

keep praying please, god IS doing HIS work