Saturday, November 10, 2007

"doin' great"

just got this text from her

'on the chair

doin' the mask

doin' great'

well what do you think of that!

good morning!

her nurse said that it's a good morning

she's watchin' a movie with her mom

and feelin' good

-when they take fluids off, that really helps her

all the numbers are good

and she said she's smiling a lot

(that must be making the whole hospital brighter)

-o0h that smile...

there's a big auction for her tomorrow in colorado springs

-during the steelers game

and there's love and prayers coming in from new zealand

things are happening all over for my brave little girl

she's still fighting

breathing on her own, with no help from the ventilator

that's work

and she's workin' it